Husí kůže (Goosebumps)

Husí kůže (Gooseubumps) – group exhibition by Zlata Ziborova, Viktorie Macanova, Zuzana Trachtova and Markéta Špundova. We cordially inviti you to the exhibition opening on Tuseday 18 October from 6 p.m.! Music of the night by Fæ Bestia.

Body or mass.

Fetish or love.

Pleasure or suffering.

Objectification or compliment.


Bodies give pleasure. We can draw on them. Making demands on it. Enclose it and define it. We explore the human body without shame. It follows the physiological changes of the body, its transforming plasticity, movement, but also humour and hyperbole.

Viktorie Macanova uses hyperbole and wit. She’s turning sexualization in her favor. She gives freedom to the sex appeal as a powerful language device and expression of individuality. Her work is casual visual imaginations arising from life situations that inspire her.

Zlata Ziborova uses her body as the primary producer of materials and ideas for her artworks. She shapes new narratives of the human body and how to evaluate its production. In her project My Body is a Factory, she limits her own body`s production in order to gain autonomy from a patriarchal capitalist society. In the video Unbinde me she reacts to the restraining of female forms. The metaphor becomes the state-changing plaster mass.

Zuzana Trachtova is an anthropologist and columnist with a focus on sexuality and authenticity. Her lyrics are fundamentally based on real statements and, as part of the exhibition, she teeters on the edge of objectification of the body or compliment. Sexy or creepy. She works with the theme of the fantasies we have about the people around us. “I’m somebody’s porn, somebody’s stealing my body for their fantasies, I’m stealing your body for my needs. In my head, your body is my body.” We all own our bodies, but we don’t own millions of images of our bodies in other people’s heads. And nobody owns our fantasies.

Marketa Špundova’s cycle of “trophies” accepts organicism and physiological changes as the ultimate prize. Trophies transform wherever they want, the plasticity and motion of the ceramic plate folds, bubbles, crackles and gradually hardens its shell into its final form. Creation itself is more of a game where the material determines its form, the sculptural ambitions are secondary and irrelevant.

Exhibition is open till 8 November, visits possible by previous appointment only.

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