

We cordially invite you to the exhibition The man who returned from space back to earth by Tomáš Moravanský.
The exhibition opens with artist`s performance on July 20th at 7 pm. The exhibition will last till August 10th. The gallery is open on Monday and Tuesday from 11am till 7 pm, or some other time by an appointment.






Tomáš Moravanský (*1991, SK/CZ) currently works as a PhD student at the Faculty of Fine Arts (KTDU). He primarily focuses on gallery installations, public space interventions, moving images, physical theatre, dance, sound, text and music production (Panáčik).

In his work, he often develops the motif of personal, emotionally coloured expression in a conceptual background and, as a creator, follows the line of so-called “romantic conceptualism”.

Running themes include everyday life, the psychology of movement, virtuality, the culture of individualism, superstitious behaviour and interactive storytelling, whereby strong traces of humour, sublimity, language and self-irony play significant roles.

His life and work are characterised by cooperation and connection with other artists from varied disciplines and expressions.

Moravanský’s portfolio should be viewed as a web of stories, series and cycles, sometimes as a jigsaw puzzle of various situations merged into a final story that is tied to a specific place or community. In many cases, he approaches his work from the position of a playwright, creating confrontations of place with his surroundings. Moravanský is fascinated by the sounds of small electrical appliances, evolutionary processes, virtue signalling. He has brown eyes, is 175 cm tall, and is an excellent cook.

Recently, he has mainly been addressing the issue of the body and corporeality within the context of contemporary dance, with a focus on post-dance. He is also fascinated by the motif of interpellations (not always visible forces of ideologies), whether at the level of language, psychogeography, or institution, as something that has a permanent, although not always detectable, effect on an individual’s life and the construction of their identity as a subject. Moravanský explores the possibilities of choreography, which he views as an analytical tool, enabling the creation of subjects and their bodies or environments so that their ideological nature is clearly recognisable and, at the same time, makes it possible to recognise the ideology itself. Related to this is another of his fascinations – rendering the perceived world, physical space and language virtual.

In 2018, he co-founded the art group INSTITUT INSTITUT, which brings together actors of various expressions and media into discussion, criticism, research and contemporary work with a focus on supporting the creation and presentation of individual and collective works.

For more information about Tomáš Moravanský and other collaborations, visit

Instagram: @institutinstitut


The exhibition was created with the support of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Brno University of Technology.