01. 09. 2018
30. 09. 2018


Kaoru Nabe is is the artist in residence for September here at PRÁM Studio. Stay in touch for her exhibition in PRÁM Gallery in the end of September, the opening is planned for 25th September.


Kaoru Nabe is a Japanese artist living and working in Tokyo. After her studies at Kyushu Zokei Art College she worked on a farm for a few years. Currently, she does acrylic paintings based on the tradition of Japanese painting, which links with street art aesthetics. This is also related to the materials used in her work. She usually paints on canvas or paper but sometimes directly on the walls as well. She does as well „live painting“ which correlates with street art.

Kaoru Nabe uses painting medium to express her feelings and impressions of the surrounding environment, but she i salso inspired by her own imaginations, which interconnects with figurative images, and she lets everything blend in abstract form. The place, where she live is very important for her and also people, the community that lives in that place. During her residential stay she would like to reflect both the industrial urban environment and the PRÁM community.


Web:  http://toiletart.jp/

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/nabekaoru/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kaoru.nabe