
Roman Kvita, Pavlína Kvita: Hluk mezi námi

We are inviting you to the exhibition Hluk mezi námi by Pavlína Kvita and Roman Kvita, curated by Radek Wohlmuth.

opening of the exhibition: 12/07/2023 at 6 p.m.
exhibition: 12/8 – 12/19/2023

According to Wikipedia, noise is any unwanted sound – it can be aperiodic, but music or speech can also be noise. Its effects are individual, often negative, but in the case of the communication between Pavlína and Roman Kvita, an artistic duo, it represents one of the tools that aid an exchange in visual thinking. The result of such a dialogue, which also includes the occasional inaccuracy in understanding, is an exhibition based on objects-sculptures located on the boundary between fine and applied art, attempting to adopt the best elements of both fields in order to shift the whole onto a different level. Transformations can then take place when reading and perceiving these objects.

In this case, despite a clear divergence of approaches, we are tempted to use the word biunity – even though the realisations by both artists form an interconnected whole, and are conceived as such from the outset, every individual component can also perform on its own. These are intersections of trajectories with different starting points; harmony benefitting from variety. Nevertheless, it is the elaborated connection and conditioning of one by the other that creates a quality with its own visual and semantic aspects. Yet it essentially continues the course of complex consideration of sculpture as it appears in the history of art.

Among the explicit common elements are a brutalist sensibility and a propensity for particular materials. The bonding of emotion and content follows from an interconnected personal mythology. Both are projected into the symbolist impression of the artefacts, whether these are masks or figures with their heraldic motif of the archetype of the inner fighter, not in the sense of a military aggressor, but as someone who guards their boundaries and knows how to establish respect. And that, in a general sense, is a challenge for each of us.