Vojtěch Hrubant & Vojtěch Trocha: HOMO KREVETKUS
We cordially invite you to the exhibition of Vojtěch Hrubant and Vojtěch Trocha. Sculpture and picture. The opening is on 19 March, 2019 at 7pm . Exhibition lasts till 9 April, 2019.
“There is two approaches: intimate, rather narrative, sometimes almost kitschy in a naive way in artworks of Vojtěch Trocha. The other one in artworks of Vojtěch Hrubant is based on decomposition of the whole into systematic compositions, aiming at a logical understanding of the great over small ones. In the end, both of them pursue to a similar goal: a passion for observation and understanding through emphasis on form. The moment when a strong language of expression emerges from the passion for the subject and the theme is an imaginary intersection in the artwork of both authors. The exhibition represents an artistic consensus, the imaginary intersection of these approaches, and at the same time accentuates the individuality of both authors.”
Vojtěch Hrubant ► www.vhrubant.wixsite.com/
Vojtěch Trocha ► www.prettygoodsculptor.com